
Schmidt Speaks at 2008 Hotel Development Conference

Beijing, 28 March 2008 ————– Thomas Schmidt, AIA of Sepia Design Consultants Limited appeared as a panelist at the 2008 China Hotel Development and Financing Conference on 28 March 2008 in Beijing.  The panel discussion, which included several developers and architects, revolved around Boutique Hotel Development and was simultaneously translated to an audience of over 600.


Sepia Design Featured in Hinge Magazine

Hong Kong, 10 October 2007 ————– Thomas Schmidt, AIA was interviewed by Hong Kong based Hinge Magazine for a full page article for Hinge’s November 2007 issue.  The article concentrated on Sepia Design’s design philosophy relative to their hospitality projects throughout the region.

Schmidt Judges Designs at Hospitality Design Asia 2007

Hong Kong, 8 October 2007  ————– Sepia Design Consultants Limited Managing Director, Thomas Schmidt, AIA was invited by the staff of Hospitality Design Magazine to serve as a juror for the “best booth design” of this year’s HD Asia 2007 trade show.

Schmidt Moderates Macau Roundtable Discussion

Hong Kong, 13 May 2007 ————– Sponsored by Perspective Magazine, Thomas Schmidt, AIA, Managing Director of Sepia Design Consultants Limited, moderated a roundtable discussion with various hotel operators and developers revolving around the current and future development of Macau SAR.  The roundtable discussion is to be published in the June 2007 issue of Perspective Magazine.


Schmidt Lectures at CUHK About Hotel Design

Hong Kong, 8 November 2004 ————– Managing Director of Sepia Design Consultants Limited, Thomas Schmidt, AIA was invited as a guest lecturer at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at Chinese University of Hong Kong on 8 November 2004. 

His presentation for the well-attended HMG4510 “Hotel Design and Technical Services” course included […]